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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a form of submission grappling. It is a self defense based martial art that teaches you how to use a variety of techniques and angles to control, submit, or escape from your opponent. 

What is Gi and No Gi Jiu Jitsu?

In Gi Jiu Jitsu, you wear a kimono that can be used for a variety of grips and chokes. In no gi, there is not a kimono. You typically wear a rash guard, board shorts, and/or spandex leggings. 

Do I need to be in shape?

No. BJJ can be customized and adapted to all sorts of different fitness levels and body times.

What should I bring for my first class?

  • An open mind and a positive learning attitude
  • For a gi class, any comfortable exercise clothing. We will have a uniform and belt that you can borrow for free. 
  • For a no gi class, any comfortable exercise clothing that does not have zippers/buttons (preferably without pockets)
  • A water bottle is recommended
  • Extra flip flops/sandals to wear off the mats are recommended but not required

What should I expect for my first class?

Please show up 15 minutes early so that you have time to change and get ready for class. We do have changing rooms available. 

Once class begins, the students will line up by belt rank; new students will line up next to the white belts. 

Then there will be a drilling period of class where the coach will show several moves and you will drill them with a partner will the coach observes and assists. We will generally pair you with an upper belt of a similar size if possible your first few classes. 

At the end of class, there will be 30-45 minutes of rolling, which is our version of sparring. We generally recommend observing this portion of class your first night, but you are welcome to participate if you wish. We will generally pair you with an upper belt student to help walk you through this portion of class the first few nights until you are comfortable. 

Are there are any uniform requirements?

We do not require uniforms to be a certain color; all colors are fine. Uniforms/patches from other schools are fine. As long as it's clean, we're happy.

Is anyone allowed to go to competition class?

We welcome students from other gyms to our competition class for a $10 drop in fee. All of our students are welcome to attend the competition class. However, the competition class does not contain an instructional period; it is expected that you know the basic positions and are comfortable with a few basic moves from each position. Please reach out to the instructors if you have questions

Is there a free trial?

Yes, we offer a one week free trial to all new students. There is a sign up form for the free trial at the bottom of our homepage. 

What other fees should I expect?

There are no other monthly fees beyond your membership fee. If you are training in our gi classes, it is recommended that you eventually purchase a gi. Gis can be obtained for approximately $80-100. If you would like to compete in the future, each tournament has a set fee that is typically around $80-120. Competing isn't required, but our coaches do attend tournaments regularly if you are interested and want to know more. 

Do I need a uniform?

No. For no gi classes, wear comfortable work out clothes that do not have zippers or buttons. Ideally, they shouldn't be too baggy or have pockets. 

For Gi classes, we have a variety of loaner uniforms available for new students. We also have a variety of resources for affordable uniforms. 

Is it safe for my child?

Absolutely. All children's classes are monitored by our instructors who focus on building a fun, safe, learning environment for all students. Our beginner curriculum includes a variety of safety techniques, such as tapping and learning break falls to minimize injuries.

What are the gym etiquette rules?

  • Keep your nails trimmed/short  and  good hygiene 
  • Do not come to the gym if you are sick
  • At the beginning/end of each class, we line up by belt rank
  • No shoes on the mat. We recommend leaving a pair of cheap slip on sandals at the gym
  • There are no gi color requirements. Patches/gis from other gyms are fine
  • Respect all training partners. Always respect the tap. 
  • Students are free to ask any other students to roll during open sparring. We ask that brand new students partner with a blue belt or above for the first few sessions. 
  • Wash your uniform after each class

What age can my kids start BJJ/when do they move to adult class?

This can vary depending on the size, maturity, and ability of the student. We generally recommend beginning around age 5, and moving to the adult class around age 15. However, this is treated on an individual basis. Feel free to speak to us if you have questions about which class is best for your child and when. 

What is the belt system in BJJ?

The belt system in BJJ is a way to recognize and track progress and skill level. It consists of a series of colored belts, each representing a certain level of proficiency. 

For adults: the progression is white, blue, purple, brown, black.

  1. White Belt: The starting point for all BJJ practitioners. It represents a beginner level with limited knowledge and experience.

  2. Blue Belt: It signifies the practitioner's understanding of basic techniques, positions, and strategies.

  3. Purple Belt: A significant milestone indicating intermediate proficiency. Purple belts possess a deeper understanding of the intricacies of BJJ and are capable of applying techniques effectively.

  4. Brown Belt: An advanced level where practitioners have honed their skills and gained a high level of technical proficiency. Brown belts are considered highly skilled and experienced.

  5. Black Belt: The highest achievable rank in BJJ. It represents mastery of the art and a deep understanding of its principles. Black belts are typically regarded as experts and often become instructors and mentors.

In addition to the main belt colors, BJJ also uses stripes to denote progress within each belt. Stripes are typically placed on the belt itself and indicate incremental advancements. There are four stripes per belt.

Stripes are often awarded based on factors such as technical knowledge, performance in sparring or competitions, time spent training, and overall dedication to the sport. The number of stripes a practitioner has does not necessarily correspond to a specific level of skill, but they serve as markers of progress within a particular belt rank.

For kids, the belt progression is white, gray, yellow, orange, green.

There are many more belt ranks than adults in order to provide a more gradual and age-appropriate progression. There is also a beginner and advanced version of each belt (except for white belt). Beginner belts have a white bar running through the middle of the belt, and advanced belts have a black bar running through the middle of the belt. Just like for adults, there are four stripes per belt. 

  1. White Belt: The starting point for all kids in BJJ. It represents a beginner level and introduces them to the fundamentals of the martial art.

  2. Grey Belt: It signifies that the child has made progress in their training and has a basic understanding of BJJ techniques.

  3. Yellow Belt: It indicates further advancement in skills and knowledge. Yellow belts typically demonstrate improved technique execution and begin developing their grappling strategies.

  4. Orange Belt: Orange belts show proficiency in a wider range of techniques, have a better understanding of positioning, and display increased grappling abilities.

  5. Green Belt: Green belts represent a higher level of skill and understanding. Children at this stage can perform techniques with more precision, exhibit better control, and demonstrate improved problem-solving abilities during sparring.

After green belt, once they are old enough, they will move on to the adult belt system beginning at blue belt. 

How do I tie my belt?

We filmed a video on one basic method to tie your belt. 

How do I tie my child's belt?

Free Trial

Free Trial

We offer a one-week free trial to all new students. Please fill out the form below to sign up.

Feel free to email or text us with any questions: 608-886-9390/


If this is your first BJJ class, see our FAQ section for more information about your first class and what to bring/expect.

Thank you for your interest, we look forward to seeing you on the mats!